This lecture introduced EM algorithm: an iterative technique to estimate probaility models for missing data. Meanwhile, mixture Gaussian, PCA and factor analysis are actually *generative* models in a way of EM.

Key points

  • EM: An iterative technique to estimate probability models for data with missing components or information
    • By iteratively “completing” the data and reestimating parameters
  • PCA: Is actually a generative model for Gaussian data
    • Data lie close to a linear manifold, with orthogonal noise
    • A lienar autoencoder!
  • Factor Analysis: Also a generative model for Gaussian data
    • Data lie close to a linear manifold
    • Like PCA, but without directional constraints on the noise (not necessarily orthogonal)

Generative models

Learning a generative model

  • You are given some set of observed data X={x}X=\{x\}
  • You choose a model P(x;θ)P(x ; \theta) for the distribution of xx
    • θ\theta are the parameters of the model
  • Estimate the theta such that P(x;θ)P(x ; \theta) best “fits” the observations X={x}X=\{x\}
  • How to define "best fits"?
    • Maximum likelihood!
    • Assumption: The data you have observed are very typical of the process

EM algorithm

  • Tackle missing data and information problem in model estimation
  • Let oo are observed data

logP(o)=loghP(h,o)=loghQ(h)P(h,o)Q(h) \log P(o)=\log \sum_{h} P(h, o)=\log \sum_{h} Q(h) \frac{P(h, o)}{Q(h)}

  • The logarithm is a concave function, therefore

loghQ(h)P(h,o)Q(h)hQ(h)logP(h,o)Q(h) \log \sum_{h} Q(h) \frac{P(h, o)}{Q(h)} \geq \sum_{h} Q(h) \log \frac{P(h, o)}{Q(h)}

  • Choose a tight lower bound

  • Let Q(h)=P(ho;θ)Q(h)=P(h \mid o ; \theta^{\prime})

logP(o;θ)hP(ho;θ)logP(h,o;θ)P(ho;θ) \begin{aligned} \log P(o ; \theta) \geq \sum_{h} P\left(h \mid o ; \theta^{\prime}\right) \log \frac{P(h, o ; \theta)}{P\left(h \mid o ; \theta^{\prime}\right)} \end{aligned}

  • Let J(θ,θ)=hP(ho;θ)logP(h,o;θ)P(ho;θ)J\left(\theta, \theta^{\prime}\right)=\sum_{h} P\left(h \mid o ; \theta^{\prime}\right) \log \frac{P(h, o ; \theta)}{P\left(h \mid o ; \theta^{\prime}\right)}

logP(o;θ)J(θ,θ) \begin{array}{l} \log P(o ; \theta) \geq J\left(\theta, \theta^{\prime}\right) \end{array}

  • The algorithm process

EM for missing data

  • “Expand” every incomplete vector out into all possibilities
    • With proportion P(mo)P(m|o) (from previous estimate of the model)
  • Estimate the statistics from the expanded data

EM for missing information

  • Problem : We are not given the actual Gaussian for each observation
    • What we want: (o1,k1),(o2,k2),(o3,k3)\left(o_{1}, k_{1}\right),\left(o_{2}, k_{2}\right),\left(o_{3}, k_{3}\right) \ldots
    • What we have: o1,o2,o3o_{1}, o_{2}, o_{3} \ldots

  • The algorithm process

General EM principle

  • Complete” the data by considering every possible value for missing data/variables
  • Reestimate parameters from the “completed” data

Principal Component Analysis

  • Find the principal subspace such that when all vectors are approximated as lying on that subspace, the approximation error is minimal

Closed form

  • Total projection error for all data

L=xxTxwTxxTw L=\sum_{x} x^{T} x-w^{T} x x^{T} w

  • Minimizing this w.r.t 𝑤 (subject to 𝑤 = unit vector) gives you the Eigenvalue equation

(xxTx)w=λw \left(\sum_{x} x^{T} x\right) w=\lambda w

  • This can be solved to find the principal subspace
    • However, it is not feasible for large matrix (need to find eigenvalue)

Iterative solution

  • Objective: Find a vector (subspace) ww and a position zz on ww such that zwxzw\approx x most closely (in an L2 sense) for the entire (training) data

  • The algorithm process

PCA & linear autoencoder

  • We put data XX into the inital subpace, got ZZ
  • The fix ZZ to get a better subpace WW, etc...
  • This is an autoencoder with linear activations !
    • Backprop actually works by simultaneously updating (implicitly) and in tiny increments
  • PCA is actually a generative model
    • The observed data are Gaussian
    • Gaussian data lying very close to a principal subspace
    • Comprising “clean” Gaussian data on the subspace plus orthogonal noise

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