Statistics And Data Analysis

In this course, we study some basic probility and sampling theories which are commonly used in machine learning.

This GitBook notes are maintained by zealscott.


Lecture Key Notes Reading Material
1. Statistics review - Random Variable
- pdf/cdf/pmf
- Joint distribution
- Expectation/covariance
- Conditional expectation
Probability theory Review - Chernoff bound
2. common distributions - Discrete
- Continuous
Useful distribution
Conjugate Prior
Normal - Gamma Conjugate
- expoential family
3. sample and limit theory - sampling mean and variance
- order statistics distribution
- weak and strong law of large numbers
- central limit theorem
sample and limit theory
4. T and F distribution - χ2\chi^2 distribution
- tt distribution
- FF distribution
T and F distribution
5. Sampling - Sample Random sampling
- Confident interval
- Gibbs Sampling
Survey Sampling - 拒绝采样
- 别名采样
6. Estimation of Parameters&Fitting of Probability Distribution - MLE(parameter)
- MLE for exponential family
- Conjugate family (Bayes)
- EM algorithm
LDA思考与总结 - 文本主题模型之LDA(一) LDA基础
7. Testing Hypotheses and assessing Goodness of fit - Neyman-Perason lemma
- Likelihood Ratio Tests
8. Testing and Summarizing Testing and Summarizing)
9. The analysis of Variance The Analysis Of Variance
10. notes for exam Notes For Exam
@Last updated at 1/23/2021

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