


  • 设计一个文件系统,最多可以容纳5000个文件,设备容量为250MB,单个文件最大容量为50MB,提供目录树功能,文件名最长为50个字符,每块大小1KB
  • 本实验采用文件来模拟磁盘,采用dd命令创建文件,例如:dd if=/dev/zeroof=simulated_device bs=1024 count=250000将创建一个包含250000块文件名为simulated_device的文件。(这个文件可以满足测试程序中所有测试程序的空间需要)
  • 本实验已经给出测试文件,最大测试文件为50M。


  • 实验要求很简单,就是实现一个普通的文件系统,而且实现方式不限,使用提供的write_block等接口来模拟低层的磁盘操作。
  • 设计一个文件系统,最主要的是思考如何布局。无论什么文件系统,都要包含目录树、文件信息等功能。
  • 文件的实现书上介绍了几种常见的方法:
    • 连续分配
      • 最简单的分配方案,将每个文件存放在连续的磁盘数据块中。
      • 易于实现,性能不错,但会造成大量外碎片(在多个小文件的时候经常发生)
    • 带有文件分配表的链表结构
      • 把每一个磁盘块中的链表指针抽取出来,单独组成一个表格,放在内存中。
      • 这样的坏处是整个文件分配表必须都放在内存,太占用空间。
    • I-Node
      • 大名鼎鼎的i-node登场啦。此i-node节点列出了文件的属性和各个数据库的磁盘地址,在给定一个i-node之后,就能找到该文件的所有信息。
      • 只有当一个文件被打开时,才需要把它的i节点装入内存。
      • i-node存储的磁盘地址不够时,我们还可以使用多级间接块(indirect block)来描述更多的磁盘地址。
  • 目录
    • 相对来说,目录的实现就简单多了。目录也可以理解为一种特殊的文件,UNIX中的目录非常简单,每一项(entry)只包含文件名i-node节点号两个信息。
  • 空闲块管理
    • 如何迅速知道磁盘中的空闲块以及剩余容量呢?
    • 一种方法是使用链表,但会占用大量空间。
    • 更常用的方法是使用位图(bitmap)来管理,已经分配的块用1表示,未分配的用0表示,每个块只占1个byte。
  • SuperBlock
    • 我们还需要一个SuperBlock作为文件系统的初始块。它应该包含文件系统初始化信息、位图地址、根目录地址等等,以便让系统将文件系统加载进内存。



  • Superblock
    • 是否初始化
    • 磁盘剩余空间(用于快速访问,了解该文件是否能放入磁盘)
    • bitmap信息(每个位图的使用情况)
    • 存储在第一块block中,当初始化时自动加载。
  • Bitmap
    • 按理来说,Bitmap中的每一个byte来代表一个块。但用byte操作不太直观,因此本项目使用short类型代替(会多浪费不少空间,但总占比空间依然不多)
    • 由于我们由250000个块,本项目设计每个Bitmap包含500个块的位图信息,其余地址用于存储起始磁盘块地址、剩余块多少。
    • 因此,我们需要500Bitmap,存储在第2~501个磁盘块中。
  • Root目录
    • Root目录也必须在文件系统初始化时加载和初始化,因此我们将它分配在502磁盘块上。
  • i-node
    • 在每个i-node中,我们设计了以下属性:
    • 文件大小
    • 创建、修改时间
    • 直接块(200个,可以存储200KB的信息)
    • 一级间接块(1个,可以存储256KB的信息--一条地址4bytes)
    • 二级间接块(1个,可以存储256*256KB的信息,完全足够我们用了)





  • 每次write只写到缓存,只有当文件close的时候才真正写到内存。这种方法的好处是无论如何读写都很快,但当文件很大的时候非常占用内存。
  • 给内存分配一块专门用作文件读写的缓冲区,当文件大小小于缓冲区时,就直接将文件存储在缓存区中,当文件大于此大小,就将多余的部分存储在磁盘中。










#ifndef P5_H
#define P5_H
#include <time.h>
#define MAX_OPEN_FILES 10

/* file API */
extern int my_open(const char *path);
extern int my_creat(const char *path);
extern int my_read(int fd, void *buf, int count);
extern int my_write(int fd, const void *buf, int count);
extern int my_close(int fd);

extern int my_remove(const char *path);
extern int my_rename(const char *old, const char *new);
extern int my_mkdir(const char *path);
extern int my_rmdir(const char *path);

extern void my_mkfs();

/* provided by the lower layer */

#define BLOCKSIZE 1024
/* not used in any declaration, just a reminder that each block is 1KB */
/* and may be useful inside the code. */
typedef char block[BLOCKSIZE];

extern int dev_open();
extern int read_block(int block_num, char *block);
extern int write_block(int block_num, char *block);

/* provided by block function */

#define MAX_PER_BITMAP 500    /* max block covered of one bit map */
#define MAX_DIRENTRY 18       /* max directionary entry each block */
#define BITMAP_NUM 500        /* number of bit map needed*/
#define ROOT_DIR_BLOCK 502    /* number of bit map needed*/
#define BITMAP_START 2        /* where bitmap store in disk */
#define INODE_DIRECT_MAX 200  /* inode direct block max 200 */
#define INODE_DIRECT1_MAX 256 /* inode direct block max 200 */

/* super block struct, 1020 KB */
typedef struct SuperBlk
    int is_format;                      /* is this file system init? */
    short bitmap_usage[BITMAP_NUM + 5]; /*  usage of each bit map ,begin with index 2 */
    int free_space;                     /* free space */

/* each Dictionary Entry has 56 bytes, a block can have 18 entry */
typedef struct DirEntry
    char name[50]; /* file name max length */
    int i_node;    /* the i-node of file */

/* each Dictionary has 18 entry,  overall 1012 bytes */
typedef struct Dir
    int in_use; /* how many dir is using  */
} DIR;

/* inode size: 820 bytes */
typedef struct inode
    time_t ctime;                    /* last change time (size : 8 bytes)*/
    int i_size;                      /* file size:(bytes) */
    int dir_block[INODE_DIRECT_MAX]; /* direct block */
    int indir_block_1;               /* indirect block 1  */
    int indir_block_2;               /* indirect block 2  */

/* need 500 bitmap block for 250000 block
 * each bitmap 1008 btytes
typedef struct bitmap
    int start_block;              /* start block of the bit map */
    int free_block;               /* free block in this bitmap  */
    short bitmap[MAX_PER_BITMAP]; /* bit map */

typedef int INDIR_BLOCK[INODE_DIRECT1_MAX]; /* indirect block, a block can fit 256 block pointer  */

extern int Write_Superblk(SUPERBLK sb);
extern int Write_Dir(int block_num, DIR dir);
extern int Write_Bitmap(int block_num, BITMAP btmp);
extern int Write_Inode(int block_num, INODE i_node);
extern int Write_Inode_block(int block_num, INDIR_BLOCK block1);
extern void clean_pathname();
extern int parse_path(const char *Path);
extern int find_file(int dir_num);
extern int bitmap_search_block(BITMAP *tmp);
extern int find_free_block();
extern int mk_new_dir(int parent_dir_disk_num);
extern int mk_new_inode();
extern void free_space(int free_block_num);
extern void free_indirect_block1(int indirect_block1_location);
extern void free_inode(int inode_block_num);
extern void read_file(int disk_num, void *buf, int length);
extern int read_indir_block1(int block1_disk_num, void *buf, int left);
extern int read_from_fpBuf(int fp_index, int count, void *buf);
extern int read_to_fpBuf(INODE inodeTmp, int fd_index);
extern void write_file(int disk_num, void *buf, int length);
extern int write_indir_block1(int block1_disk_num, void *buf, int left);
extern int write_fpBuf_to_disk(int fd, INODE InodeTmp, int fd_index);

/* global variables */
extern char PathName[5][20]; /* globel Path Name parsed */

extern SUPERBLK SuperBlock; /* superblock will be used frequently */

extern DIR RootDir; /* Root Dir will be used frequently, max 18 entry */

extern INODE tmpInode;

extern int OpenFP[50]; /* at most 50 fp */

extern char *OpenFP_buffer[50]; /* the buffer of fp */

extern char *OpenFP_buffer_old[50]; /* the buffer of fp,the fp position unchanged */

extern char TmpBuf[BLOCKSIZE]; /* used for read/wirte block from disk */

#endif /* P5_H */



#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "p5.h"

#define BLOCKSIZE 1024
/* only open the file once */
static int fd = -1;
static int devsize = 0;

/* returns the device size (in blocks) if the operation is successful,
 * and -1 otherwise */
int dev_open ()
  struct stat st;
  if (fd < 0) {
    fd = open ("simulated_device", O_RDWR);
    if (fd < 0) {
      perror ("open");
      return -1;
    if (fstat (fd, &st) < 0) {
      perror ("fstat");
      return -1;
    devsize = st.st_size / BLOCKSIZE;
  return devsize;

/* returns 0 if the operation is successful, and -1 otherwise */
int read_block (int block_num, char * block)
  if (block_num >= devsize) {
    printf ("block number requested %d, maximum %d", block_num, devsize - 1);
    return -1;
  if (lseek (fd, block_num * BLOCKSIZE, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    perror ("lseek");
    return -1;
  if (read (fd, block, BLOCKSIZE) != BLOCKSIZE) {
    perror ("read");
    return -1;
  return 0;

/* returns 0 if the operation is successful, and -1 otherwise */
int write_block (int block_num, char * block)
  if (block_num >= devsize) {
    printf ("block number requested %d, maximum %d", block_num, devsize - 1);
    return -1;
  if (lseek (fd, block_num * BLOCKSIZE, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    perror ("lseek");
    return -1;
  if (write (fd, block, BLOCKSIZE) != BLOCKSIZE) {
    perror ("write");
    return -1;
  if (fsync (fd) < 0)
    perror ("fsync");        /* but return success anyway */
  return 0;








#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "p5.h"

char buffer0[] = "hello world";
char buffer1[1000];             /* one thousand */
char buffer2[10000];            /* ten thousand */
char buffer3[100000];           /* a hundred thousand */
char buffer4[1000000];          /* a million */
char buffer5[50 * 1024 * 1024]; /* max size, 50MB */

static int test_file(char *path, char *buffer, int size, int max_size);
static void close_remove_file(char *path, int fd);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int first_test = 1;
  int fd0, fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5;
  int i;
  int max_size = sizeof(buffer5);

  if ((argc > 1) && (atoi(argv[1]) > 0))
    max_size = atoi(argv[1]);

  printf("testing files up to %d bytes\n", max_size);
  if (my_mkdir("/foo") < 0)
  { /* already tested before */
    printf("second or subsequent test\n");
    first_test = 0;
  if (my_rmdir("/foo") < 0)
    if (first_test)
      printf("unable to rmdir /foo\n");
  if (!first_test)
    printf("succeeded in removing directory /foo\n");
  if (my_mkdir("/foo") < 0)
  { /* already tested before */
    printf("unable to mkdir /foo, aborting\n");
  printf("succeeded in creating directory /foo\n");
  if (my_open("/foo/bar") >= 0)
  { /* file should not exist */
    printf("error, opened nonexistent file /foo/bar, aborting\n");
  printf("my_open correctly failed to open non-existent file /foo/bar\n");

  fd0 = test_file("/foo/bar0", buffer0, sizeof(buffer0), max_size);
  if (fd0 >= 0)
    if (my_close(fd0) < 0)
      printf("error, unable to close /foo/bar0, aborting\n");
      printf("successfully closed /foo/bar0\n");

  /* some directory operations */
  if (my_rename("/foo/bar0", "/qqq") < 0)
    printf("error, unable to rename /foo/bar, aborting\n");
  printf("successfully renamed /foo/bar0 to /qqq\n");
  if (my_remove("/qqq") < 0)
    printf("error, unable to remove /qqq, aborting\n");
  printf("successfully removed /qqq\n");
  if (my_mkdir("/foo/bar") < 0)
    printf("unable to create subdirectory /foo/bar, aborting\n");
  printf("successfully created directory /foo/bar\n");
  if (my_rmdir("/foo/bar") < 0)
    printf("unable to remove subdirectory /foo/bar, aborting\n");
  printf("successfully removed directory /foo/bar\n");
  /* repeat the test on as many of the larger files as appropriate */
  fd1 = test_file("/foo/bar1", buffer1, sizeof(buffer1), max_size);
  fd2 = test_file("/foo/bar2", buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), max_size);
  fd3 = test_file("/foo/bar3", buffer3, sizeof(buffer3), max_size);
  fd4 = test_file("/foo/bar4", buffer4, sizeof(buffer4), max_size);
  fd5 = test_file("/foo/bar5", buffer5, sizeof(buffer5), max_size);

  close_remove_file("/foo/bar5", fd5);
  close_remove_file("/foo/bar2", fd2);
  close_remove_file("/foo/bar4", fd4);
  close_remove_file("/foo/bar1", fd1);
  close_remove_file("/foo/bar3", fd3);

  printf("tests completed successfully\n");

static int test_file(char *path, char *buffer, int size, int max_size)
  int i, large, fd;

  if (size > max_size) /* skip larger tests */
    return -1;
  large = (size > 20); /* small file is "hello world" */

  /* create a file, check that it was saved */
  if (large)
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
      buffer[i] = i % 128;
    buffer[0] = 0x77; /* change value in location 0 */
    if (size / 2 > 1025)
      buffer[1025] = 0x99; /* change a value after the first block */
    if (size / 2 > 1024 * 256 + 21)
      buffer[1024 * 256 + 21] = 0x42; /* after first block of blocks */

  if ((fd = my_creat(path)) < 0)
  { /* file should not exist */
    printf("error, unable to recreate %s, aborting\n", path);
  printf("successfully created file %s\n", path);
  if (my_write(fd, buffer, size) != size)
    printf("error, unable to write %d bytes to %s, aborting\n", size, path);
  printf("successfully wrote %d bytes to file %s\n", size, path);
  if (my_close(fd) < 0)
    printf("error, unable to close %s, aborting\n", path);
  printf("successfully closed file %s\n", path);

  /* reset the buffer contents to the values that are easy to check */
  if (large)
    buffer[0] = 0;
    if (size / 2 > 1025)
      buffer[1025] = 1025 % 128;
    if (size / 2 > 1024 * 256 + 21)
      buffer[1024 * 256 + 21] = (1024 * 256 + 21) % 128;

  /* now read and write */
  if ((fd = my_open(path)) < 0)
  { /* file should exist now */
    printf("error, unable to reopen %s, aborting\n", path);
  printf("successfully reopened file %s\n", path);
  if (my_write(fd, buffer, size / 2) != size / 2)
    printf("error, unable to rewrite part of %s, aborting\n", path);
  printf("successfully wrote initial %d bytes to file %s\n", size / 2, path);
  /* clear top part of buffer */
  for (i = size / 2; i < size; i++)
    buffer[i] = 0;
  /* now replace it with the contents of what we read */
  if (my_read(fd, buffer + size / 2, size - size / 2) != size - size / 2)
    printf("error, read failed for %s, aborting\n", path);
  printf("successfully read final %d bytes from file %s\n",
         size - size / 2, path);
  if (my_close(fd) < 0)
    printf("error, unable to close %s, aborting\n", path);
  printf("successfully closed file %s after reading\n", path);

  /* clear the bottom half of the buffer, and read it from the file again */
  for (i = 0; i < size / 2; i++)
    buffer[i] = 0;
  if ((fd = my_open(path)) < 0)
    printf("error, unable to re-reopen %s, aborting\n", path);
  printf("successfully re-reopened file %s\n", path);
  if (my_read(fd, buffer, size / 2) != size / 2)
    printf("error, read failed for initial %d bytes of %s, aborting\n",
           size / 2, path);
  printf("successfully read initial %d bytes from file %s\n", size / 2, path);

  if (large)
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
      if (((buffer[i]) & 0xff) != ((i % 128) & 0xff))
        printf("error at index %d (of %d), value %d, expected %d\n",
               i, size, ((buffer[i]) & 0xff), ((i % 128) & 0xff));
    if (strcmp(buffer, "hello world") != 0)
      printf("error, value written was 'hello world', value returned %s\n",
  printf("test completed successfully on a file of size %d\n", size);
  return fd;

static void close_remove_file(char *path, int fd)
  if (fd >= 0)
    if (my_close(fd) < 0)
      printf("error, unable to close %s, aborting\n", path);
    printf("successfully closed %s\n", path);
    if (my_remove(path) < 0)
      printf("error, unable to remove %s, aborting\n", path);
    printf("successfully removed %s\n", path);



  • 结构体变量名不是指针
  • 读取数据,只需要将char *类型转换为所需要的类型,即可正确读写(例如结构体)
  • 可变参数
  • 使用strtok切分字符串,注意是对原字符串进行处理,因此不能使const char *类型。
  • 字符串测长度,strlensizeof的区别
  • 每一次都记得要清空Path_name中的值
  • 注意creat之后,i-node没有初始化,不能读,可以通过block_num判断(若没有初始化,则为0)
  • 读文件,直接将其全部缓存到内存,然后保存一个fd偏移量。



  • 缓存的实现方式有问题,需要改成将缓存区大小有限制,同时,在write时候,需要将文件完全写到磁盘中。
  • 寻找空闲块的操作太浪费时间。我目前实现的是查找一个空闲块的操作,但是这样很低效,应该实现一次可以申请多个空闲块的操作。
  • 同时,在寻找空闲块时,不应该从头开始找,而是使用二次匹配等算法。当然,助教说工业界常用的方法是使用线性hash,可以尝试一下,应该速度会提升不少。
  • 使用C++重构代码,可以避免很多代码冗余的现象(函数指针、template的使用)


  1. Operating System:Design and Implementation,Third Edition

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