+++ title = "SStable 练习二" slug = "sstable2" tags = ["database"] date = "2019-04-15T20:36:03+08:00" description = "读出SStable中的key,value" +++

安装snappy库: https://www.cnblogs.com/yankang/p/10636562.html




  • datablock
  • metablock
  • metaindex block
  • dataindex block
  • footer

footer部分是放在最末尾的,里面包含了dataindex block以及metaindex block的偏移信息,读取table时候从末尾读取

Data block组织形式


对于一个Block内部而言的话,restart point.所谓restart point就是为了解决 前缀压缩的问题的,所谓的restart point就是基准key。

假设我们顺序加入abcd,abce,abcf.我们以abcd为restart point的话,那么abce可以存储为 (3,e),abcf存储为(3,f).

对于restart point采用全量存储,而对于之后的部分采用增量存储。一个restart block可能存在多个restart point, 将这些restart point在整个table offset记录下来,然后放在data block最后面。每个data block尾部还有一个type和CRC32.其中type可以选择是否 需要针对这个data block进行snappy压缩,而CRC32是针对这个data block的校验。

data index block组织形式

  1. data index block从不刷新直到Table构造完成之后才会刷新,所以对于一个table而言的话只有一个data index block.
  2. data index block添加的key/value是在data block形成的时候添加的



trailer:每个block后面都会有5个字节的 trailer。1个字节的 type 表示 block 内的数据是 否进行了压缩(比如使用了 snappy 压缩),4 个字节的 crc 记录 block 数据的校验码。

block 在 sstable 中索引信息 offset/size,封装成 BlockHandle(table/format.h)使用,size 不包含 trailer。持久化时,offset/size 均采用 varint64 encode。


block读取操作(ReadBlock() table/format.cc):

有了一个 block 的 BlockHandle,即可定位到该 block 在 sstable 中的 offset 及 size,从而读取出具体的 block(ReadBlock()

  • 根据 BlockHandle,将 block 从 sstable 中读取出来(包含 trailer)。
  • 可选校验 trailer 中的 crc(get 时由 ReadOption:: verify_checksums 控制,compact 时由 Option:: paranoid_checks 控制)。
  • 根据 trailer 中的 type,决定是否要解压数据。
  • 将数据封装成 Block(block.cc),解析出 restarts 集合以及数量。


#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <snappy.h>
#endif  // HAVE_SNAPPY

inline bool Snappy_GetUncompressedLength(const char* input, size_t length,
                                         size_t* result) {
  return snappy::GetUncompressedLength(input, length, result);
  return false;
#endif  // HAVE_SNAPPY

inline bool Snappy_Uncompress(const char* input, size_t length, char* output) {
  return snappy::RawUncompress(input, length, output);
  return false;
#endif  // HAVE_SNAPPY

using namespace std;

int getFileSize(const string &filename) {
  int size = 0;
  FILE *fp = nullptr;

  fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
  if (nullptr == fp) {
    return size;
  fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
  size = ftell(fp);

  return size;


char *GetVarint64Ptr(char *p, const char *limit, uint64_t *value) {
  uint64_t result = 0;
  for (uint32_t shift = 0; shift <= 63 && p < limit; shift += 7) {
    uint64_t byte = *(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(p));
    if (byte & 128) {
      // More bytes are present,| or
      result |= ((byte & 127) << shift);
    } else {
      result |= (byte << shift);
      *value = result;
      return p;
  return nullptr;

char *GetVarint64(char *input, int size, uint64_t *value) {
  char *limit = input + size;
  char *q = GetVarint64Ptr(input, limit, value);
  return q;

struct BlockContents {
  string data;           // Actual contents of data
  bool cachable;        // True iff data can be cached
  bool heap_allocated;  // True iff caller should delete[] data.data()

enum CompressionType {
  // NOTE: do not change the values of existing entries, as these are
  // part of the persistent format on disk.
  kNoCompression     = 0x0,
  kSnappyCompression = 0x1

int main() {
  string fileName = "testdb.ldb";
  cout << "File Size:" << getFileSize(fileName) << endl;

  FILE *fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r");
//  find last 48 bits for footer
  fseek(fp, -48L, SEEK_END);
  char *footer = (char *) malloc(48 * sizeof(char));
  fgets(footer, 48, fp);
  uint64_t metaOffset, metaSize, indexOffset, indexSize;
  footer = GetVarint64(footer, 48, &metaOffset);
  footer = GetVarint64(footer, 38, &metaSize);
  footer = GetVarint64(footer, 28, &indexOffset);
  footer = GetVarint64(footer, 18, &indexSize);
  cout << "Meta offset:" << metaOffset << endl
       << "Meta size:" << metaSize << endl
       << "Index offset:" << indexOffset << endl
       << "Index size:" << indexSize << endl;

  char *index = (char *) malloc((indexSize + 1) * sizeof(char));
//  find index position
  fseek(fp, 0L, static_cast<int>(indexOffset));
  fgets(index, static_cast<int>(indexSize + 1), fp);
  //cout << index[indexSize] << endl;

  //read the block
  BlockContents* result = new BlockContents();
  result->data = string();
  result->cachable = false;
  result->heap_allocated = false;
  //char * handle;
  // Read the block contents as well as the type/crc footer.
  // See table_builder.cc for the code that built this structure.
  size_t n = indexSize;
  switch (index[n]) {
    case kNoCompression:
        // File implementation gave us pointer to some other data.
        // Use it directly under the assumption that it will be live
        // while the file is open.
        result->data = string(index, n);
        result->heap_allocated = false;
        result->cachable = false;  // Do not double-cache
        cout << result->data << endl;
      // Ok
    case kSnappyCompression: {
      size_t ulength = 0;
      if (!Snappy_GetUncompressedLength(index, n, &ulength)) {
        cout << "corrupted compressed block contents" << endl;
      char* ubuf = new char[ulength];
      if (!Snappy_Uncompress(index, n, ubuf)) {
        delete[] ubuf;
        cout << "corrupted compressed block contents" << endl;
      result->data = string(ubuf, ulength);
      result->heap_allocated = true;
      result->cachable = true;
      cout << result->data << endl;
      cout << "bad block type" << endl;

  return 0;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""